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Smart Password Store

Smart users and passwords for password store a database containing the records.


"Smart Password Store saves a database of users and passwords."
Smart Password Store, a unique password in the form of an encrypted key of the image under the user and encrypts a database record.

The only way to break the password key is by brute force. The data is saved as an encrypted image, if the image is correct password, a brute-force attacks OCR (optical character recognition to be made using) would be to find a mediator. With today's computers this would take a very long time.

Smart Password Store also, if you have entered the correct password key user name and password you will show you (a small program) is a stub allows you to create. This sensitive information to carry with you, on another computer without having to install Smart Password Store provides.

Save your passwords in an encrypted image.

Smart password stores in 4 languages:
- English
- French
- German
- Smart Password Store 1.1 download free spanish now you can find.

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